System for client centers and offices

e-Point > With information function > System for client centers and offices


Unique system equipment of client centers in communal sphere. The front-end system enables more efficient handling of visitors client centers, which results in faster processing client's request.

Description of technology

The advantage is also greater comfort and a higher standard of services when visiting the client center.

The benefit is also visible to the staff of client centers, who are facilitated by tasks related to the organization of movement and handling of customers. It significantly reduces the demands placed on the handling of cash and completely eliminates unnecessary actions associated with it (writing of income documents, settlement of cash payments, material liability, etc.).

The result is higher work efficiency in contact with the client.

The front-end client center system consists of two modules:

  • Payment system module
  • Calling system module

Client center employees can control both systems with a single common control interface, such as a computer at the counter. Joint control of both modules eliminates the need to switch between modules and allows them to be interconnected.


Do you have questions about the technology? We will be happy to advise you.