Odbavovací systém pro nákladná vozidla

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Samoobslužný ODBAVOVACÍ e-SYSTÉM LKW efektivně řeší časovou organizaci nakládky a vykládky nákladních vozidel.

Description of technology

The modular solution can be used not only for large logistics areas with a large number of loading ramps, but also for smaller production, sales and storage organizations with frequent freight transport.

The LKW check-in e-SYSTEM is designed to enable truck drivers to use the e-KIOSK and SW applications for fast and self-service registration in the logistics system for loading and unloading goods. The system is connected to the logistics information system, where the loading and unloading of individual road hauliers is planned in advance. A large-area display is located in the area of the cargo entrance or in the marshalling yard, which functions as a clear calling system.

If organizations require basic driver training within the company's occupational health and safety system before entering foreign vehicles into the company's interior, this requirement can also be implemented as a self-service application as another application within the installed e-KIOSK.

Brief description of application software

After the arrival of the truck and its parking at the marshalling yard or parking lot, the driver of the vehicle is taken to the area of the freight gatehouse, where the e-KIOSEK with the check-in system is located.

As part of his check-in registration, the driver enters the required data, which clearly identifies his vehicle and cargo. After entering the data into the system, the driver will receive a checklist with the number of the assigned loading ramp and the estimated time of its check-in. Check-in is signaled by a clear call system. The passage of the vehicle through the freight gate can be fully automatically recorded using a camera system with license plate recording.


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