Plně automatizovaný vstup do plaveckých, sportovních a wellness areálů.
The focus and main activities of our company are comprehensive solutions with high added value for sports facilities, wellness center, hotels, clubs, but companies and authorities. Through interactive self-service information or payment kiosks, optionally supplemented with turnstiles and gates, we bring you technology exactly according to your needs.
Self-service validity check of COVID digital vaccination certificates.
System equipment of client centers in the communal sphere - payment of administrative fees.
Universal self-service cash register for cash and card payment.
Reservation, calling and ordering system for medical facilities with a waiting room.
Odbavovací systém pro nákladní vozidla efektivně řeší časovou organizaci nakládky a vykládky.
Samoobslužný plánovací, evidenční a výdejový systém pro služební vozidla e-AUTOPARK.
Integrated mobile solution for attendance records with health and safety training.