Plně automatizovaný vstup do plaveckých, sportovních a wellness areálů.
Meet our world of modern technologies for self-service applications.
Possibility to customize hardware and software as needed.
Automatic refilling of banknote and coin stacks from received money.
Banknote recyclers meet strict criteria defined by the ECB.
30 years of experience in the field of information technology in the field of self-service systems.
Leave routine tasks to self-service kiosks and allow your employees to fully address the specific needs of your customers.
We will create an original tailor-made solution for you.
Our strategy involves continuous development to ensure exceptionality.
Combining skills and experience into one whole in order to offer original solution tailored to the area self-service technologies.
Our domain is mainly complex solutions with high added value for sports facilities, wellness centers, hotels, clubs, but also companies and offices.
Many people prefer the greatest possible independence in ordering and picking up services.
We meet these trends.
Selected products
Self-service validity check of COVID digital vaccination certificates.
System equipment of client centers in the communal sphere - payment of administrative fees.
Universal self-service cash register for cash and card payment.
Reservation, calling and ordering system for medical facilities with a waiting room.
Odbavovací systém pro nákladní vozidla efektivně řeší časovou organizaci nakládky a vykládky.
Samoobslužný plánovací, evidenční a výdejový systém pro služební vozidla e-AUTOPARK.
Integrated mobile solution for attendance records with health and safety training.